Tuesday, December 20, 2011


A view of the gathering including the Board A homeowner receiving the Christmas gift
The high tea hosted by the vice chair

Another view of the homewonwers and the Board

The Trivandrum Fuller Center for Housing held its first Homeowners Meet on December 20, 2011. All but two of the homeowners attended the meeting which was also called to greet the families on account of the ensuing Christmas. The occasion was joyous as each had received a gift for 100% regular repayment. The Board members had a high tea with the families. The chairman, in his address alluded to the great vision of Millard Fuller and thanked all the homeowners for their presence and participation. He called upon them to continue their cooperation with the Center so that more and more homeless brethren could be sheltered in the days ahead.

About Me

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Chairman of the Trivandrum Fuller Center for Housing. A recipient of international award for social service. A teacher and author of English grammar. A practising lawyer.